Saturday, August 31, 2013

Review: Broken and Screwed 2 by Tijan

New school. New friendships. New life. 

Not so much. 

Alexandra is pissed about her parents abandoning her. She's beyond pissed that her friends did the same. She's enraged because things are unclear about her brother's death now. So her first stop is at Jesse's house to demand answers. She wants to know why her brother was friends with the criminal crowd before he died and she knows he holds the answers. But when she sees him, she doesn't get the answers she expected. Instead, she finds out that their chemistry never faded and soon heats up again! 

Some habits die hard. Soon Jesse and Alex are back to their ways of sneaking around. He's a near-celebrity at school and she doesn't want to deal with the backlash of being his girlfriend. Alex is tired of being hurt so she's learned the lesson not to confide and lean on others. However, she can't seem to help herself when it comes to Jesse Hunt. The big question isn't if she will survive if their relationship goes public, it's if she will survive when the real truths about her family and brother come out? Or when she learns that Jesse knows more than what he's told her?

So did you know that Tijan is one of the main reasons I started my blog? It's true. I love reading but something broken in me when I read Fallen Crest High. I wanted to talk about it, a lot... And to whoever would listen. Unfortunately for my husband, he was the only one around so I turned to blog.

Now I have a new problem. How do you review something when all you want to do is TALK about it? I want to break it all down, share the secrets, give you my analysis of each and every character and scene but alas, I will refrain. Feel free to email me, Facebook me, goodreads message me, tweet me... You get the point.... And I'll spend hours talking to you about it.

***If you haven't read part one, stop reading the review now, head on over to amazon (link below) purchase it, read it and then come back to me!***

Broken and Screwed was the perfect follow up and  conclusion to Alex and Jesse's story. Alex heads off to Grant West, the same school her brother planned to go to and the same school Jesse is currently the big man on campus, sports star.

When they see each other after months of being apart, the between Alex and Jesse is so off the charts hot that they immediately start up, whatever it was that they were doing before. But can they keep their affair a secret? And what happens when one of them doesn't want to hide anymore? Can Alex deal with the pressure of being a celebrities girlfriend?

Alex has to deal with new friends, who seem to understand her. Old friends who think they can just slide back into her life. Mean girls, who aren't willing to share their precious basketball team. Jesse's teammates who either love or hate her. A famous band with their own set of issues. And the return of her parents. All the while, trying to hide that she knows Jesse from everyone, including her friends.

She's constantly trying to uncover the secrets behind her brother Ethan's death, control the rage caused by the abandonment of her parents, and prepare herself for the day Jesse will eventually leave her.

God I loved this book. It was so painfully emotional that my heart was clutched the entire time. There were some surprises that made this whole story so perfectly sweet, I couldn't have been happier.

Once again, Tijan nailed it and I cannot wait for the next book in this series.

I never grew up with the intention of being a writer. That was science fiction to me. However, what I did grow up with was an imagination. Being the youngest in my family, I played alone a lot. So as I grew up, I was full of imaginary people and worlds. It wasn’t until I was vacationing at my parent’s lake cabin that all those characters needed to get out of me. I realized later they were storylines, but all I knew was that I had to get them out of me so I booted up my dad’s antique computer and I wrote. I went at it all week, only taking time off for runs. It was the best vacation I’ll ever have. After that week, I would take time off from my work and it wasn’t spent traveling. I wrote. All day. All night. I loved it. However; I had a problem at the same time. I never received a great education with English and grammar. I like to say it was my school’s fault, but I’ll be honest. I probably didn’t pay attention. So after I had already completed college, I taught myself how to write. Then I started posting. I have a few stories on I’m embarrassed about them! When I moved to Fictionpress, I started writing my own stories and one story quickly became popular, A Whole New Crowd. Then I wrote Jaded and Home Torn at the same time. I even a won a few awards before I eventually moved my stories to Livejournal. This was where I wrote Fallen Crest High. Someone told me that I should post it on Wattpad because it would get a lot of votes. So I did and the response was huge! However, I also almost lost my own story because too many people were taking it and writing their own sequels to my story. Not cool. And while I’m grateful to the support from Wattpad, I took my story down and instead published it on Amazon. After that, you guys know the rest. So here I am, still writing and hoping for a publishing deal one day.

Other works from Tijan

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