Thursday, January 31, 2013

Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastacia

Date Read: January 26, 2013

Why did I love this book so much? This book reminded me of a bad joke but in a good way. The joke would start like this.. A Bum, A Priest and A Pimp walk into a bar... 

 In this book we meet a guy named Blake who is currently living in the subway station. He watches a girl take the train daily to school. She smiles at everyone including him, which is unusual since most people think he's invisible unless it's to harass him.

Livia doesn't believe she's special. She believes she's just like anyone else but when some guys are harassing Blake, Livia steps up to protect him. In doing that she begins to get too know a man who is more then what he seems. 

The best part of this story is we get to meet and see more then just the main characters lives. We meet Livia's sister Kyle. And Blake's foster brothers, Beckett and Cole. 

 Kyle is a bit of a free spirit. She's flighty and a bit slutty, in complete contrast to Livia who is responsible and determined to succeed. 

 Beckett is sells pretty much everything illegal, from drugs to flesh, in order to take care of his brothers since he aged out of the system first. He does everything he can to make sure his brothers are both safe and away from his illegal activities. 

Cole is a associate preacher in the course to be full fledged preacher after escaping to the church when he was young. He's always been a man of God but once he started seeing things he didn't want, he chose to lead a life of celibacy. 

The bond between these boys is absolutely beautiful. They don't all agree with each other's pathes but they support and protect each other. Watching them all get their shot at love while balancing some extreme drama was fun.

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